BlueCross BlueShield Dentist New Lenox
Learn More About the Benefits of BlueCross BlueShield

If you have a dental insurance plan from BlueCross Blue Shield (BCBS), you can count yourself fortunate. Whether your benefits are through your employer, or they are something you purchased on your own, you can use them to make it easier to take care of your smile. But how can you get the most out of your policy? As an in-network BlueCross BlueShield dentist in New Lenox, our team is eager to assist you.
BlueCross BlueShield Coverage Availability & Fees

BCBS offers multiple dental insurance plans, each of which is unique. When you have a bit of time, you should review the details of your specific policy to find out exactly how it works.
In the meantime, here is a general overview of the coverage that is standard with many PPO dental plans:
- Preventive care, including cleanings, checkups, and routine X-rays, is usually 100% covered.
- Minor services, such as fillings and simple extractions, are often up to 80% covered.
- Major services, like crowns, dentures, and root canal therapy, may be around 50% covered.
Your plan may have other stipulations and fees as well. For example, there may be a waiting period before you can receive certain types of coverage. Deductibles are also very common.
Additionally, keep in mind that your plan is likely to have an annual maximum, which is a yearly limit on the amount that BlueCross BlueShield will pay for approved services. Because our practice is in-network with BCBS, we have a contract that controls prices. Therefore, you can expect to get more value out of your annual maximum. In certain cases, we can even schedule major services across calendar years, which can enable you to use two maximums instead of only one.
Meet Aubrey

Navigating dental insurance benefits can be tricky at times. As an empathetic dentist in New Lenox, our team fully understands how stressful it can be to navigate your plan!
If you would like to learn how you can use your benefits in our practice, give our office a call. Aubrey, our front desk coordinator, is a pro at explaining how insurance works. She can verify your coverage, help you understand how it applies in various situations, and assist you with the claims process. She has many years of experience working with people, and she loves to create a positive experience for our patients!
Get in touch with us today to talk to Aubrey or another talented member of our team.