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Atrium Family Dental of New Lenox Blog

How Can Licorice Help You Fight Cavities?

August 23, 2012

Filed under: Children's Dentistry,Health — Tags: , — atriumfamily @ 3:00 am

Research has recently found that licorice could have the ability to battle cavity-causing bacteria, and the dental health care specialists at Atrium Family Dental, your New Lenox dentist, would certainly like to weigh in on the problem and help you make an educated choice.

Actual licorice isn’t really a candy sold in shops – and your New Lenox dentist, Atrium Family Dental, don’t really advise ‘fake’ licorice as a treat. Licorice candy can stick to your teeth and in fact help out the bacteria in your mouth that causes cavities and gum disease.


Receding Gums 101: What Are Receding Gums?

August 9, 2012

Filed under: Periodontics — Tags: , , , — atriumfamily @ 3:00 am

One of the most common questions asked to dental professionals is: “what are receding gums?”. In simple terms, receding gums are a result of gum disease — causing your gums to have a “receding” appearance.

What causes receding gums?

Typically, gum disease plays the largest role in causing receding gums. In simple terms, bacteria that enters the oral cavity as a result of gum disease starts to form plaque. Plaque accumulation can cause inflammation of the gums and this inflammation results in erosion of gum tissue – giving your gums a recessed appearance.

How to prevent receding gums?

What to Do after a Tooth Extraction

August 2, 2012

Filed under: Dental Bridges,Dental Implants,Dentures,Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , — atriumfamily @ 3:00 am

After a tooth extraction (removal) has been done by one of our dental health experts at Atrium Family Dental, your New Lenox dentist,  it is essential to take correct care of the site to avoid infection, control bleeding and allow the gum tissue to heal well enough that it can easily accept a denture or dental implant.

Here’s what to do after you’ve experienced a tooth extraction or a wisdom tooth extraction for a happy, healthy smile:

1. You might experience tenderness after a tooth extraction – over-the-counter painkillers can easily help you with the discomfort or you might ask your New Lenox dentist for prescription painkillers if you find the discomfort to be too much.

2. Cold compresses can help keep the pain and swelling down after a tooth extraction but be sure not to overdo it.

3. It’s very important that you do not touch the extraction site, chew around the location or smoke at all. We suggest that you consume a great deal of fluids so that the site can remain moist.

Getting to The Root of the Problem: What is Root Canal Therapy?

July 26, 2012

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry,Root Canals — Tags: , — atriumfamily @ 3:00 am

Have you been told that you require root canal therapy? It’s important to understand what root canal therapy involves so you don’t feel uncomfortable when you come to Atrium Family Dental, your New Lenox dentist, for the actual procedure. Stress can make your experience at the dentist far more difficult than it actually has to be.

What is a Root Canal?

The Root Canal is the name for the space within the root of the tooth, it is a hollow area that contains soft tissues (the pulp and nerves). The number of these hollow canals (one to four) in a tooth depend on the type of tooth and the pulp nourishes and hydrates the tooth.

Preventing Cavities: Super Snacks for Super Teeth

July 19, 2012

Filed under: General Dentistry,Health — Tags: , , — atriumfamily @ 3:00 am

Preventing cavities is sometimes not an easy task. Do you find yourself prone to getting a lot of dental cavities even though you brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily and visit Atrium Family Dental, your New Lenox dentist, every six months for a regular checkup? The problem may actually be linked to your diet. Here are a few super snacks that can help keep your teeth and gums at their healthiest in the constant struggle of preventing cavities:

Fruits & Veggies:
Apples, celery and cucumbers are all excellent super snacks for your dental health. These super snacks are nutritious and will help keep clean the surfaces of your teeth and massage your gums, improving circulation.

Dairy products:
Milk, cheese and calcium help with preventing cavities. These super snacks are rich in calcium and help neutralize acids in the mouth, reducing the incidence of cavities and tooth decay.

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