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What is “Oral-Systemic Connection”?

December 23, 2014

Filed under: Health — atriumfamily @ 3:36 pm

You know how you go to the Dentist for your mouth and the Doctor for the rest of your body? Does that make you feel like your mouth is a separate entity and not really that connected to your body? If so, then you’re not alone. Most of us missed the memo about the “oral-systemic connection” (mouth-body connection). Maybe you have read in a newspaper or magazine or even heard on the news that gingivitis affects your heart. Just how connected are they?

In the past decade studies have proven that they are VERY connected! So much so that a healthy mouth will actually increase your life expectancy by three to ten years!!! The mouth has the highest concentration of bacteria of anywhere in the whole body, and that’s how it’s supposed to be. These bacteria aren’t all bad. They start the process of digesting your food and actually have some very positive roles in your health. The problem comes when those bacteria don’t stay in the mouth and they get into the rest of your body.

There are so many…which toothpaste should you buy?

November 18, 2014

Filed under: Children's Dentistry,General Dentistry,Health — atriumfamily @ 1:56 am

Did you notice that the aisle in the store with toothpaste and tooth related products seems to be growing every year?  On average, we are bombarded with up to 750 marketing messages from brands each day. Every one of these brands are vying for our attention, approval, and convince us that their product is the one we need to buy. It can be immense. So how do we do choose? We can’t help you with what type of coffee to buy or what laundry detergent to use, but we can guide you on choosing the correct toothpaste.

The issue with a lot of these products is that they all are promising something different or in some cases promising everything!  With so many types, brands and flavors, we thought it would make sense to help some and break it down. Here are quick tips of what to look for when you are lost in the toothpaste selection process.

A Healthy Heart: Taking Care of your Oral Health

October 23, 2014

Heart disease is the number one cause of death, but did you know that the state of your oral health and your chances of heart disease are linked? The oral health care professionals at Atrium Family Dental in New Lenox want to give you all the facts so you can take preventative measures against heart disease and live a happy, healthy life.

Researchers are finding a common thread between oral health and general health; since your mouth can show the first signs of poor nutrition, many dangerous health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis can be discovered–and treated–early, so book your appointment at Atrium Family Dental as soon as possible.

Want a Healthy Smile? Try These Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

September 25, 2014

Filed under: Health — atriumfamily @ 5:17 pm

You may not think it, but certain foods are vital in maintaining your oral health. The dentistry team at Atrium Family Dental in New Lenox want to make sure you’re eating the right things for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

  • First of all, it is important to eat fruits and veggies because they contain nutrients for your gums. Calcium that comes from milk products also helps prevent tooth loss and promotes bone growth.
  • Cheese is another great fighter of cavities, thanks to the calcium and phosphorus, which helps to eliminate plaque. Cheese also encourages saliva production which washes away food bits on your teeth. Protein and fat found in cheese stops cavities, so enjoy a slice of cheese or two after a meal to help maintain the best oral health possible.
  • Furthermore, high-protein foods, which include nuts, eggs, meat, poultry and fish, are easy and delicious snacks that will strengthen the state of your teeth. Here’s a great healthy teeth tip: drink a glass of milk with a sugary treat, it can help to reduce cavities.
  • You may also be surprised to hear that chocolate milk does not typically cause cavities. Because it is a liquid, the sugar from chocolate milk doesn’t stay in the mouth long enough to cling to your teeth. Cocoa and several nutrients in milk are cavity fighting agents, so the sugar content in chocolate milk won’t affect your teeth.
  • Sugar isn’t the only culprit when it comes to cavities – acids found in pickles, citrus fruits, and colas can cause tooth decay and erode enamel. Sour candies are the worst kind of food because they are both a sugar and an acid.
  • (more…)

Red Wine Linked to Poor Oral Health

August 28, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry,Health,Teeth Whitening — atriumfamily @ 4:08 pm

We understand that red wine can be excellent for your overall wellness– we’ve all heard it before. The thing is, it can be bad for your oral wellness.

Research launched by Dentistry Today mentions that the level of acidity in red wine discolors your teeth, which can escalate into major oral health issues. We understand liquor has a lot of sugars in it, but because of the high acidity in red wine, it can be even worse than other liquors, eating away at your tooth enamel.

Take a look at the complete post right here and keep in mind to brush well after drinking red wine!

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