Have you ever realized that your annual dental check-up was coming up, and groaned in anticipation? Maybe it’s the time you have to take out of your day, or the cost of a dental appointment, that makes these appointments less than fun. Here at Atrium Family Dental, we completely understand – after all, we are people who have doctor’s appointments just like you! But the truth of the matter is that preventative and general dentistry, like the services you receive at your annual check-up, is vital for not only keeping you healthy but also for protecting your financial health! Here’s how.
How Preventative and General Dentistry Saves Your Smile and Your Wallet
October 4, 2017
General Dentistry FAQs
June 13, 2017
Have you ever wondered how to fix bad breath, or how to know if your gums are truly healthy? There are many general dentistry FAQs that our patients in New Lenox at Atrium Family Dental ask when they come in for their regular checkups. Here are just a few:
FAQ: How do I fix bad breath?
Bad breath is caused by many things that we treat with preventative dentistry, such as gum disease. However, if you have a good bill of health and still struggle with bad breath, consider what you eat. Dieting can make your breath smell, as can dehydration. Also consider quitting smoking if you do, and be sure to check that your medications are not causing bad breath. Untreated diabetes and liver problems could also be the culprit.
3 Brushing Habits to Break Today
February 25, 2017
The ADA has listed several brushing habits they want you to break. Here are our top 3 from their list.
- We don’t brush long enough. Most people brush their teeth for 45 seconds, but the optimal time for brushing is a full two minutes a day, twice per day, according to MouthHealthy.org.
- We brush too soon after a meal. Brushing after a meal is a good idea, but wait at least 30 minutes, especially if you enjoyed something acidic, such as lemons or soda. MouthHealthy.org recommends chewing sugarless gum or drinking water while waiting to brush.
- We brush too hard. Ease up! According to MouthHealthy.org, some people brush their teeth harder than they need to for an effective cleaning. “Too much pressure may wear down the hard outer shell on your teeth and damage your gums,” according to the website.
Try breaking your unhealthy brushing habits today. Come see us for more helpful tips, and remember twice a year, regular cleaning is best.
To Chew or Not To Chew…Gum, that is!
January 18, 2017
Do you chew gum? Do you wonder the oral effects gum has on your mouth and teeth? Have you ever heard that chewing gum can be good for your teeth? We are here to tell you the ins and outs of gum chewing. But, by no means will you hear us say, gum chewing can replace regular brushing and flossing.
According to the ADA, the physical act of chewing increases the flow of saliva in your mouth. If you chew after eating, the increased salivary flow can help neutralize and wash away the acids that are produced when food is broken down by the bacteria in plaque on your teeth. Over time, acid can break down tooth enamel, creating the conditions for decay. Increased saliva flow also carries with it more calcium and phosphate to help strengthen tooth enamel. Clinical studies have shown that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes following meals can help prevent tooth decay.
The dangers of E-Cigarettes
November 29, 2016
There are many dangers that come along with an e-cigarette. Initial studies show that e-cigarettes contain nicotine and also may add in other harmful chemicals, including carcinogens and lung irritants. Almost all e-cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance. Nicotine inhalation inhibits your ability to produce saliva, which can leave you susceptible to bacteria buildup, dry mouth, and tooth decay. Some studies show, bacteria and inflammation in your mouth are also linked to other problems, including heart attack and dementia, and may well jeopardize your overall health. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, if dry mouth is left untreated, severe tooth decay and gum disease can occur. 30 percent of all tooth decay in older adults is caused by dry mouth.