Teeth have a reputation for being tough and strong, but given the right circumstances, they can sustain damage. Making impact with a hard surface, like ice, concrete, or crunchy Halloween candy would certainly do the trick. Dental accidents can happen, so it’s good to be cautious, but at the same time, it won’t do to be constantly paranoid!
Instead, let’s channel that emergency into something productive, like learning more about what to do if you’ve chipped a tooth. You won’t even have to go far; here’s everything you need to know!
Chipped Tooth Damage Control
When you realize that you’ve chipped a tooth, it’s natural for the first thing you think of to be something like “how do I fix this?”. Ultimately, you’ll want to call your emergency dentist to ensure everything’s all right, but here are some immediate solutions to the problem:
- Rinse your mouth to clear out possible debris and blood
- Staunch any bleeding by gently pressing gauze or a soft cloth to the area
- Examine the situation – if your tooth has jagged edges, cover it with dental wax to protect your mouth from cuts
- Preserve the chip in milk or saliva if possible – this prevents it from drying out
- Take pain relievers as necessary, but don’t forget to tell your emergency dentist what you’ve taken
An emergency dentist can also walk you through first aid steps over-the-phone, so call them before or after taking a moment to do some damage control. Whichever option helps reduce your anxiety is best!
Is a Dental Chip Serious?
Unlike some other dental emergencies, like a completely fallen-out tooth, dental chips can fall under a wide range of severity. Depending on whether the damage is small, moderate, or extensive, your emergency dentist may want to see you sooner than later.
However, all types of chips should be seen by a professional! Even a small break could potentially make you more vulnerable to bacteria build up, tooth decay, gum disease, or further dental damage.
Avoiding Further Harm
While you wait for your dental appointment, it’s important to avoid putting too much pressure on your chipped tooth. Try not to bite down with it when you eat, and stay away from hard, crunchy, or chewy foods that could cause excessive tugging or stress. Once your emergency dentist takes a look at the extent of the damage, they can let you know whether you’re “in the clear” or need a dental restoration like a crown or dental bonding.
Overall, what’s important to remember about chipping a tooth is that you can lean on your emergency dentist at any point in the process. Alarm and anxiety can make it difficult to think, but with a professional helping you through first aid and appointment scheduling, dental emergencies can be a lot less intimidating.
About the Practice
Our team of highly skilled dentists are ready to help you with your dental emergency at Atrium Family Dental of New Lenox. Drs. Albert, Snow, and Feller are all diligent professionals who keep up with the latest dental technologies and techniques, which allows us to provide patients with comfortable and quality treatment. We have same-day emergency appointments available for patients of all ages, so if you or a loved one has chipped a tooth, don’t hesitate to call our office at 815-462-9990.