It’s the time of the season for summer vacation and summer sleep-away camps! Along with a bathing suit and sunscreen, make sure your children are packing their toothbrush and floss, and that you review with them the importance of maintaining good oral health habits.
With all the candy, chips and pop your children may be enjoying, it’s more important than ever that teeth are brushed for at least 2 minutes twice a day. If they can’t brush their teeth, let them know that drinking a tall glass of water after eating will do the trick–getting rid of harmful bacteria that can lead to cavities.
In addition, if your child is involved with any sports activities this summer, make sure they have a custom fitted mouth guard. To help prevent oral injuries, a mouth guard will help provide protection for the hard (teeth and jaw) and soft (lips, cheeks, gums) tissues of the mouth.
Before sending your children to any summer sleep-away camp or sports clinic, make sure you book a dental check-up to ensure that there will be no oral health complications over summer break.
Dr. Sudman and the team at Atrium Family Dental Care hope you enjoy the first few weeks of summer!